Pre-sales Questions

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Pre-sales Questions

What is the difference between WPBakery Page Builder and Visual Composer Website Builder?

The difference between the two products is that WPBakery is a page builder that allows you to build the content area of your pages, while Visual Composer is a full website builder, that allows you to build the entire website.

Additionally, the two products differ in technology usage. WPBakery is based on shortcodes and jQuery, while Visual Composer has introduced newer technologies, such as ReactJS, and no shortcodes. 

Is the WPBakery Page Builder compatible with my theme?

The WPBakery Page Builder is compatible with all WordPress themes that comply with the coding standards of WordPress set by its Codex, so it should work seamlessly with your current theme or any new theme you acquire.

Does the WPBakery Page Builder work with other WordPress plugins?

Yes, the WPBakery Page Builder is compatible with all of the most popular WordPress plugins, including WooCommerce, Rank Math SEO, and EasyTables to name a few.

Additionally, WPBakery has a library of add-ons available that can be used to extend the functionality of the page builder.

Does the WPBakery Page Builder offer updates?

Yes, the WPBakery Page Builder offers free lifetime updates to ensure that the plugin remains compatible with the latest version of WordPress, and introduces new features, updates, compatibilities, and fixes.

Does the WPBakery Page Builder offer support?

Yes, support is available to all customers who have purchased a license (included with the purchase and available for the first 6 months) or extended their access to premium support (available for a year).

Do you offer a free trial?

WPBakery Page Builder doesn’t offer a free trial, but you can try it for free by visiting our online demo site and creating your personal demo sandbox.

Are there any additional costs for using the WPBakery Page Builder?

The WPBakery Page Builder is a one-time purchase, and there are no additional costs for using the plugin.

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