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With the Copy/Paste feature available since the 7.1 release, users can effortlessly duplicate elements and rows within the same page, across different pages within the same site, and even between pages of different sites. 
This feature is available in both backend and frontend editing modes, offering the utmost flexibility and convenience.

Copy/Paste within the same website:
To copy an element, simply click on the copy icon next to the clone icon. If the element copied is a row, then you can paste it using the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+V (or CMD+V for Mac users) or by using a paste icon next to the copy icon in a row.
If the element copied is a content element, then you can paste it within a column by using the paste icon in the column edit options.

Copy/Paste within different websites:
To ensure a successful copy-paste operation between different sites, it’s imperative that both sites maintain identical versions of WPBakery Page Builder and its add-ons. 
To copy a row, click on the copy option and paste it on a different site using Ctrl+V (or CMD+V for Mac users). This will add the new row at the bottom of existing content.
To copy an individual element, the row containing that element needs to be copied.
When copying rows between pages of different sites, media files like images and videos will not migrate automatically. You must manually re-upload media to the target site.

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