Use Param Group in Elements

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Use Param Group in Elements

If you have shortcode with multiple grouped values, like progress bar. You can use parameter called param_group which simplify input for multiple grouped values. As an example see vc_progress_bar shortcode.

Integrations steps

1) When you use vc_map, for mapping attributes you use params array. Same way to map param_group params.


  'base' => 'your_shortcode',
  'params' => array(
  'type' => 'textfield',
  'value' => '',
  'heading' => 'Title',
  'param_name' => 'simple_textfield',
  // params group
  'type' => 'param_group',
  'value' => '',
  'param_name' => 'titles',
  // Note params is mapped inside param-group:
  'params' => array(
  'type' => 'textfield',
  'value' => '',
  'heading' => 'Enter your title(multiple field)',
  'param_name' => 'title',

Once the shortcode will be saved the values of param group will be concatenated automatically.  Param groups values will have name concatenated with param-group name, like: “titles_title[0]=’test’,titles_title[1]=’test2′”.

2) To parse this values in template use helper: $titles = vc_param_group_parse_atts( $atts[‘titles’] ); The structure of $titles variable will be an indexed array of arrays with [key=value]. Then you can use iterators (loops and other manipulations) to output a values.

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