Create New Param Type

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Create New Param Type

Sometimes you may need to add new attribute type for content element attributes. The vc_add_shortcode_param() function is used to register an attribute type handler which will form html markup for settings form in WPBakery Page Builder edit element form. It takes three parameters: the attribute type name (String used in vc_map() mapping function in type parameter), the callback function name and the javascript file absolute url.

vc_add_shortcode_param( $name , $form_field_callback, $script_url );


Param name
$nameStringRequired field. Param type name. Must contain only letters, digits and “_” symbol. Used in vc_map() mapping function in type parameter
$form_field_callbackStringRequired field. The callback function name which will be called when settings form will be formed
$script_urlStringOptional field. Absolute url to javascript file

Creating callback function

Lets create callback function and register it with vc_add_shortcode_param() function call.

vc_add_shortcode_param( 'my_param', 'my_param_settings_field' );
function my_param_settings_field( $settings, $value ) {
 return '<div class="my_param_block">'
 .'<input name="' . esc_attr( $settings['param_name'] ) . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value wpb-textinput ' .
 esc_attr( $settings['param_name'] ) . ' ' .
 esc_attr( $settings['type'] ) . '_field" type="text" value="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '" />' .
 '</div>'; // This is html markup that will be outputted in content elements edit form

Callback function parameters

Param name
$settingsStringArray of param settings for content element settings
$valueStringCurrent attribute value. This maybe default value from param Array or user defined value

Important: your param html markup should have class name “wpb_vc_param_value”. This class is used by WPBakery Page Builder to identify what should be parsed upon saving.

Callback function should return string with html markup, which will represent form element with value. The form element can be any type of input field, select element or textarea. In the returned string you can also add additional html elements (such as buttons, links, etc), and then, control their functionality with external javascript file. In our example, function returns string with the input field and appropriate html markup for form styling (design).

Form element requires two attributes:

name – param_name of attribute from $settings array (which was passed to the vc_map() function)

value – current shortcode attribute value

To make sure that your custom param supports and works well with dependencies, that may be set by other params in vc_map() function call, make sure to call vc_generate_dependencies_attributes( $settings ) function with the settings array. This is required to enable Param Dependencies for your attribute type.

Extending and customizing attribute functionality

If you need some special visual elements or controls for your attribute you can use javascript. Last attribute of vc_add_shortcode_param() function is $script_url – which holds absolute url to javasript file and will be attached to the content element edit form in WPBakery Page Builder edit mode. This is very useful when you want to create complex content element params like color picker or image gallery, where javascript code should be executed.

As an example, lets create button which will flip text in input field (your custom attribute type).

Create new button after input field in callback function hook:

vc_add_shortcode_param( 'my_param', 'my_param_settings_field' );
function my_param_settings_field( $settings, $value ) {
 return '<div class="my_param_block">'
 .'<input name="' . esc_attr( $settings['param_name'] ) . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value wpb-textinput ' .
 esc_attr( $settings['param_name'] ) . ' ' .
 esc_attr( $settings['type'] ) . '_field" type="text" value="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '" />'
 .'<button class="flip-input-text">Flip</button>'; // New button element

Pay attention to the “flip-input-text” class name of our button. We will use it in our javascript function call.  Create js file in {my_theme_path}/vc_extend/flip.js.  Open flip.js file and place javascript code required for “flip” functionality there. For this example we will use jQuery library.

!function($) {
  $('#vc_properties-panel .flip-input-text').click(function(e){
  var $input = $(this).prev().find('.my_param_field'),
  text = $input.val();

Visual Composer settings form is stored in the div with #wpb-elements-list-modal used as ID. To illuminate possible CSS class names intersection, we scoped this ID in the jQuery selector.

To attach this script to the settings form, we should add new param to the vc_add_shortcode_param() function call.

vc_add_shortcode_param('my_param', 'my_param_settings_field', get_template_directory_uri().'/vc_extend/flip.js');

That it’s! Now you can use this field in vc_map() function. Here is example with the new param added to the “params” array using our custom attribute type:

add_action( 'vc_before_init', 'your_name_integrateWithVC' );
function your_name_integrateWithVC() {
  vc_map( array(
  "name" => __( "Bar tag test", "my-text-domain" ),
  "base" => "bartag",
  "class" => "",
  "category" => __( 'Content', 'my-text-domain' ),
  "params" => array(
  "type" => "my_param",
  "holder" => "div",
  "class" => "",
  "heading" => __("Flipping text", "js_composer"),
  "param_name" => "fliping_text",
  "value" => '',
  "description" => __( "Enter text and flip it", 'my-text-domain' ),
  ) );


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